Born in Leicester in 1980 and reborn in Newcastle five years later Blitzkrieg are surely one of those bands to whom the tag ‘legendary’ can be applied. Vocalist Brian Ross has helmed the band through some very choppy waters over the years – latterly simultaneously delivering the goods for Satan as well – and although musicians have come and gone his core vision for what the band should be, and how the band should sound, has never wavered. That said, there seems to have been some kind of regeneration over the last couple of releases, with ‘Back From Hell’ and ‘Judge Not’ upping the stakes somewhat, and now, for their tenth album, the self-titled ‘Blitzkrieg’, the band have pulled out all the stops to deliver the best full-length of their career. Pugilistic, melodic and unpredictable, it’s the template for the album that every metal band should aim to deliver at least once in their career.


There’s lots going on here and much to admire too – the frenetic ‘Dragon’s Eye’ and its shredding solo; opener ‘You Won’t Take Me Alive’ with its sideswipe key change; the almost Van Halen-esque guitar work which brings ‘Vertigo’ to a close; and the wonderfully melodic ‘Above The Law’, to name but a few. As the centrepiece Ross stands loud and proud, vocally still at the top of his game, and, as ever, delivering some intricate and thought-provoking lyrics. ‘Blitzkrieg’ does come across though as very much a guitarists’ album, with son Alan Ross and Nick Jennison riffing and duelling away to their hearts’ content, while behind them bassist Liam Ferguson and drummer Matthew Graham keep their bandmates on the straight and narrow with little fuss.

Although there’s no slouches on the album the talking point is the epic eight-and-a-half minute closing pairing of instrumental ‘On Olympus High’ and ‘Aphrodite’s Kiss’, a song with a glorious refrain which slowly reveals its power in stirring, heart-rending climax. A fitting end to a truly magnificent album.

Video clips:
‘The Spider’ -
‘If I Told You’ -

John Tucker September 2024